I offer classes, workshops and trainings both open to the public and in professional contexts. Please subscribe to my newsletter to be kept up-to-date.

Movement classes and workshops

Open to all, my movement classes and workshops explore experiential anatomy, somatic awareness and embodied developmental movement. They provide a safe space to discover and create movement together, through which we can find a deeper sense of ourselves and the joy in dancing with each other.


“Srik seemed to be guided by a deep inner wisdom with an almost uncanny ability to say just what I needed to hear in such a compassionate way. I really appreciate his ways of inviting as a fellow explorer, curious of our terrain”   Workshop participant, 2016

“I’m so happy that I found these classes. I always walk away feeling so grateful to have them in my life.”  Class participant, 2019

“Left me with a deep dark on the edge of something I don’t often get to. Definitely lots more to explore there!”   Workshop participant, 2016

“Srik is an experienced teacher and facilitated for me an authentic process of learning and understanding, which is informed by his depth of knowledge and generous sharing of his experience in the subject.”  Class participant, 2019

“Feels so empowering to develop a felt sense of these things”   Workshop participant, 2016

Here’s my public schedule: